Cataract Surgery - What Are the Post-operative Medications?

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Cataract surgery, more properly named refractive lens surgery, is usually the surgical removal of an artificial lens of the eye, which has developed a opacification, that is also known as a cataract. There are several ways in which cataract surgery may be performed. The most common form of cataract surgery is Lasik surgery. This surgery requires the creation of a small artificial lens, or a c-shaped lens, by the surgeon. These are shaped like a lens that is used in a camera. This lens is then placed within the eye for image projection.Read about las vegas cataract now.

After cataract surgery has been performed, there are several ways in which the eye doctor can take care of any complications that may occur. One such method of dealing with complications is to perform the surgery on an outpatient basis. This means the patient will return to the ophthalmologist's office, rather than staying at a hospital overnight. It is important, however, that the patient is able to return to work or other activities within a week or two. This will ensure that the eye doctor can monitor the eye's progress while it is healing.

If you have had cataract surgery, you will likely be instructed to use certain prescribed eye drops or topical medications in order to help reduce the chance that you will develop dry eye, or an inflammation of the eyelids that can cause pain. In addition, you will also be given instructions on how to avoid certain things, such as colored contacts, that can potentially damage the eyes even more. You should follow all of these instructions exactly as they are given to you in order to prevent an unnecessary loss of vision. Your primary care doctor should be able to provide you with more information about the importance of following these guidelines.

Once you have completed the outpatient procedure, you will return to the doctor's office for the post-op consultation. During this time, the dry eye las vegas doctor will assess your eyes and check for any additional complications that might be related to your surgery. If there are none, he will ask you a series of questions related to your eyes, such as how long you have been wearing your contact lenses, what happened during your last eye exam, and if you have any complaints relating to blurred vision, dry eyes, or pain. He will also ask you questions about your lifestyle, including whether or not you smoke, your diet, and any other factors that might impact your health. Based on the answers he receives from you, the doctor will make the appropriate adjustments to your treatment so that you are satisfied with the outcome. 

After the consultation, your primary care doctor may suggest that you take certain medications immediately after your surgery. These types of medications, called anti-inflammatory medications, will help to reduce swelling and possibly alleviate some of the discomfort that you experience after the operation. The medications that your doctor may recommend do not affect your eyesight in any way and cannot be taken with any other medications that you may be taking, so make sure to ask your doctor about any and all medications that you plan on taking.

Although it is best to follow your doctor's advice about the medications that you are taking, some people choose not to. If your Ophthalmology doctor suggests the use of prescribed or over the counter eye pressure medication such as Ritalin, you should not consume any of them while you are waiting for the surgery. In fact, you should not even touch any of your expired or stored medications before your scheduled surgery date. You should also not drink anything more than one quart of prescribed or over the counter eye pressure medications or any other medications that contain ibuprofen or acetaminophen within two hours before and after the procedure.  Check out this post for more details related to this article: